Boost Certification Pass Rates with Credentialing Exam Study Groups
If you've ever studied for the Certified Association Executive (CAE) exam, Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) exam, or another certification exam, you know the intense amount of work that goes into preparing for it. It’s a tough challenge to take on alone, which is why members appreciate the support of credentialing exam study groups.
Many associations already offer prep courses for professionals who are pursuing certification, licensing, or accreditation for their organization. Although on-demand, self-study courses are common, a credentialing prep group has many advantages over solo study.
Advantages of credentialing exam study groups for candidates
Most people I know who belonged to a CAE study group passed the exam on the first try, including me. Study groups are the most effective method for credentialing exam preparation. Participants feel accountable to their fellow group members for staying on schedule with reading assignments and practice quizzes. They don’t want to be the one who falls behind and resorts to cramming before the exam.
Participants go through a unique and unforgettable experience together that’s difficult to imagine unless you’ve been through it: sacrificing their weekends, juggling responsibilities, then awaiting results and celebrating together.
In a study group, members get advice from successful certification holders on studying and test-taking strategies. They have access to study materials like practice quizzes and exams. Many study group alums say the test-taking advice is as valuable as the content review.
People who belong to a study group have a much better chance of passing the test because of retrieval practice. At home, they read and take notes on their own. Then they meet with the group to recall, review, and discuss the content. They hear different perspectives, some that challenge their knowledge. This practice makes the information stickier and easier to remember while taking the test.
Study group participants have more confidence going into the exam, which does wonders for their mindset and performance.
How your association benefits from credentialing prep groups
Credentialing study groups help people advance in their career, which I bet is part of your mission. Participants have the chance to develop relationships with equally ambitious peers and feel a sense of community, perhaps for the first time.
They’re also introduced to your online learning hub and learning management system (LMS), where they see other valuable programs you offer.
Of course, study groups are a source of revenue too. If, because of study groups, your exam’s pass rate increases, more people will need continuing education credits to maintain their certification. Plus, you’ll see an increase in certification renewal fees too.
If you don’t offer a study group, someone else will see the market opportunity, if they haven’t already. ASAE, state SAEs, and for-profits all offer CAE study groups, but there’s enough business for everyone.

Elements of credentialing exam study groups
Group facilitators
Recruit a crew of member volunteers to lead the group on a rotating basis. At CalSAE, two CAE volunteers serve as lead mentors for the group throughout the program. Ideally, choose one lead mentor who recently passed the exam. Their fresh memories of the studying experience and the current version of the exam are of immense value to group members.
Recruit guest facilitators (domain mentors) to come in to review the domains or topics related to their expertise.
Online meetings
Study groups meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly to discuss self-study content, scenarios, and use cases. They review sample questions and terminology, and go over studying and test-taking tips.
Study materials
Participants receive a study guide, practices quizzes and exams, study tips, and, sometimes, digital flash cards.
In accreditation prep programs, participants receive organizational assessments and a workbook to guide them in evaluating their organization’s policies and practices.
Orientation and review sessions
Many groups dedicate the first session to a review of the study plan, materials, and tips. In the last session, they do a practice exam and go over test-taking tips and last-minute questions.
Online platform
An LMS provides more support to facilitators and students than a web conferencing platform like Zoom—although many LMS, like TopClass, integrate with Zoom for group meetings. With an LMS, you can design and deliver interactive, enjoyable, and effective self-study programs.
Participants and facilitators have access to the LMS library for course materials and resources, plus an online discussion forum to check in with each other between meetings. Session recordings are always available.
Examples of association credentialing prep groups
These credentialing study groups illustrate features to include in your program.
The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry offers a year-long program for members pursuing accreditation for their practice or organization, the AACD Dental Dojo Advanced Study Club. Self-study is combined with monthly meetings with accredited experts, plus mentoring and an online community.
Many state SAEs have CAE prep courses of varying lengths. Michigan SAE (MSAE) offers a 16-week program covering the eight CAE domains. Participants receive a study plan, weekly assessments, webinar debriefs, online discussion forum, two mini exams, and a full, online simulated exam with debriefs. MSAE also has an accelerated version lasting eight weeks with weekly group calls, reading lists, test-taking tips, and a simulated exam.
The Association Forum’s nine-week CAE study group starts with a pre-test to identify knowledge gaps and ends with a test preparation session focused on study tips and test-taking strategies. Because an effective way to retain knowledge is to teach it to others, the program offers participant teach-back opportunities too.
State SAEs also offer valuable CAE credits to those who complete their programs. Most of them provide meeting recordings and digital flashcards.
But here’s something you rarely see: ISC2’s Education Guarantee for its Certified Cloud Security Professional study group. “If you don’t pass the exam the first time, access the same training again at no cost to you (within one year from the end of the initial training). Education Guarantee covers the cost of the second course only.”
The cost of credentialing—textbooks, study group registration, plus registration for courses and conferences to get the credits to qualify for the certification—is prohibitive for early-career professionals. The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP) offers its members-only Review and Recertification Reward Program to ease the financial burden on residents and new practitioners preparing for board certification.
ASHP supplies free study resources, including an online review course and practice exam. Participants pay $10/month during their initial recertification cycle and save about $1500 compared to other board preparation programs.
Participants who earn credentials set an example for others and raise the level of expertise in your industry. Credentialing exam study groups are proof of your association’s commitment to the success of every ambitious professional in your industry.

Debbie Willis
Debbie Willis is the VP of Global Marketing at ASI, with over 20 years marketing experience in the association and non-profit technology space. Passionate about all things MarTech, Debbie has led countless website, SEO, content, email, paid ad and social media marketing strategies and campaigns. Debbie loves creating meaningful content to engage and empower association and non-profit audiences. Debbie received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Information Systems from James Madison University and a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing from The George Washington University. Debbie is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, American Society of Association Executives and dabbles in photography.
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