The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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How to Prepare Attendees for a Virtual Conference—and Other Online Learning Options

The modus operandi these days is making the best of a bad situation. Many associations are containing the financial ripple effects of cancelled...

Help Members Cope with the Economic Impact of COVID-19

In the association community, talk of a recession had crept up a few times in the past year. Now, it’s at the top of the agenda. Many industries,...

Prepare for a Different Set of Member Needs During the COVID-19 Crisis

Cancelled events, remote working, government guidelines, mandates, and legislation—every day a new COVID-19 challenge comes along. Meanwhile, you’re...

Adulting Programs Help Young Professionals Survive & Thrive in Their Careers

“Adulting is hard.”

How to Use Learner Journey Mapping to Improve the Educational Experience

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get inside a learner’s head and see their entire experience with your educational programs from their perspective?...

How Your Association Can Encourage Learner Self-Reliance

For liberal arts majors, the phrase “self-reliance” might bring back memories of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In an essay titled “Self-Reliance,” the 19th...

How to Keep Your Association Out of Technical Debt

One of the first lessons of responsible ‘adulting’ is staying out of credit card debt, especially if you already have student loan debt. But...

Teach Members & Customers How to Succeed as an Online Learner

Is learning like riding a bike? You just get going and it all comes back to you before you fall off or crash into a wall? Don’t count on it. Many of...

The Growing Member Need for Self-Care & Wellbeing Education

“It’s easier to care for the community, once you’ve taken care of yourself,” says The Community Roundtable, a membership organization for the online...

The Exciting Impact of Digital Transformation on Professional Development

“You need to deliver knowledge that you aren’t yet aware of, for jobs that don’t yet exist, to a group of people who don’t know that they will need...

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