The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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How to Develop Really Good LMS Requirements

The request for proposal you send to learning management system (LMS) providers is only as good as the process you use to develop your LMS...

How to Get Useful Student Feedback on Online Courses

When you collect useful student feedback on online courses, you can confidently assess and improve the effectiveness of your e-learning programs....

How Technology Partners Help Associations Comply with GDPR

Time’s up! GDPR—the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation—went into effect on May 25, 2018. Since the EU approved GDPR on April 14,...

Where to Host Your eLearning Catalog and eCommerce: AMS or LMS?

During the selection and implementation of a learning management system (LMS), you have many decisions to make. But one decision often takes...

Give a Taste: Let Prospects & Members Sample Online Education

If only prospects would give your educational programs a chance, you’d turn them into loyal learners—and customers, maybe even members. But how do...

The Many Benefits of Selling Online Education to Corporate Members

The global corporate online training market is expected to grow by nearly 10% annually over the next five years. Who will the companies in your...

12 Ways to Increase Student Participation in Online Discussions

Dozens of studies have come to the same conclusion: online discussions strengthen student engagement and learning. But what can you do to increase...

What If Your Association Can’t Afford an Instructional Designer?

Great news: you got the go-ahead to offer a new online course. Now, the bad news: you didn’t get the budget to hire a professional to design and...

Working with an Instructional Designer: How to Prepare for Success

Developing a new online course with the help of an instructional designer is an exciting prospect for an association. You’re investing time and money...

10 Benefits of Outsourcing Instructional Design for eLearning Programs

Everyone knows “the way we’ve always done it” is not usually the best way to move forward. Yet, many associations continue to have staff and...

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