The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Online Learning Tips for You & Your Members to Take Back to School

As fall approaches, you or your members might head back to school, perhaps taking an online class for the first time. We won’t sugarcoat it:...

Learning Science Made Easy: Fast & Furious Instructional Design with SAM

It doesn’t take long for anyone working in professional development to hear about ADDIE and SAM. Who are these uppercase people? You quickly learn...

Learning Science Made Easy: Retrieval Practice

Let’s say you encounter a juicy, insightful paragraph while reading an article and think, “Wow, this is good. I need to remember this.” You slow down...

Learning Science Made Easy: What You Need to Know About ADDIE & Her Agile Alter Ego

Associations are wonderful places to work if you enjoy learning new skills on the job. You can go from having no project management experience to ...

Learning Science Made Easy: The Original, Revised & Rebuffed Bloom’s Taxonomy

If you spend enough time with educators, you’re bound to hear something about Bloom’s Taxonomy. But maybe you’re fuzzy on what it’s about. Something...

Learning Science Made Easy: Improve the Effectiveness of Education Programs with Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction

A little knowledge of learning science can have an enormous impact on your association’s education programs. Robert Gagne introduced his 9 events of...

How Your Association Can Encourage Learner Self-Reliance

For liberal arts majors, the phrase “self-reliance” might bring back memories of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In an essay titled “Self-Reliance,” the 19th...

Teach Members & Customers How to Succeed as an Online Learner

Is learning like riding a bike? You just get going and it all comes back to you before you fall off or crash into a wall? Don’t count on it. Many of...

Don’t Believe Myths about Generational Learning Differences

Not so long ago, keynote speakers made a splash by talking about the vast differences between the five generations. Did they have any scientific...

12 Ways to Increase Student Participation in Online Discussions

Dozens of studies have come to the same conclusion: online discussions strengthen student engagement and learning. But what can you do to increase...

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