The TopClass Blog

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The Pros and Cons of Recording an Event

Recording an event—or not—is often an automatic action. Maybe your association always records educational events and shares the recording with...

Association Strategies for Reversing the Decline in Conference Attendance

A few recent ASAE Collaborate discussions highlighted an alarming trend: a decline in conference attendance, both in-person and virtual. We all...

How Much Value Do Keynote Speakers Bring to Your Conference?

Now that you’ve dealt with upheavals, pivots (argh!), and unending change, you’re in prime shape to reexamine your association’s sacred cows. You...

Keep the Conference Buzz Going with a Year-Round Learning Community

After two years of disruption, many of you have been rethinking events. Maybe in-person events don’t have to focus so heavily on content since their...

Don’t Ghost Your Attendees: How to Close a Virtual Conference

In the closing days of 2020, we need to talk about the closing moments of virtual conferences. I recently read The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and...

A Hybrid Conference Alternative for Overwhelmed Event & Education Teams

Everyone’s looking forward to the day, hopefully in 2021, when in-person conferences can return. But, although some members can’t wait to get back...

Virtual Conference Pricing: The Many Factors to Consider

The cancellation of in-person conferences has had a devastating financial impact on associations. Virtual conferences and other online education...

10 Attendee Complaints About Virtual Conferences—and How to Prevent Them

Like us, you’ve probably attended a few virtual events recently and discussed them afterwards with colleagues. The same complaints about virtual...

How to Prepare Attendees for a Virtual Conference—and Other Online Learning Options

The modus operandi these days is making the best of a bad situation. Many associations are containing the financial ripple effects of cancelled...

Managing Learning at your Association Annual Conference

Organizations offer a wide variety of professional learning opportunities to their members, employees, and partners which range from online courses...

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