The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Design Education Programs to Create Intrinsic Motivation in Members

Members have a genuine desire to learn. They joined your association because they want to improve their skills and advance their career. Even though...

Using a Job Analysis to Design & Market Credentialing Programs

If your association offers (or plans to offer) a credentialing program, you know all about job analysis—or should know. Job analysis is the best way...

Use the Behavioral Science Principles of Gaming, Not Gamification, to Motivate Learners

“Gamification makes about as much sense as chocolate-dipped broccoli,” said Adrian Segar at Conferences That Work. A controversial statement,...

Myths About Online Learning: It’s Not the Emergency Remote Instruction Your Kids Received This Spring

As the next school year and college semester approach, many parents and students wonder about the effectiveness and value of online instruction....

Design Thinking for Associations: We're Taking It from Conceptual to Practical

Behind every challenge for associations right now is our shared reality: everything is changing and uncertain. Planning for the future is a constant...

Lessons from NIGP: How to Quickly Convert In-Person Courses to Online Courses

NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement had more than 100 in-person, one- to three-day courses scheduled between March and mid-May when the...

Take a Learner Assessment-First Approach to Program Design

Learner assessment is a challenge for almost everyone, not only your association. Nearly 85% of learning professionals want to improve or...

Which Educational Delivery Method Is Best for Your New Program?

Imagine this. For the last few months, you’ve heard members talking about having to master inbound marketing. In the online community, at events,...

How to Convince Reluctant Instructors & SMEs to Give E-Learning a Chance

You’ve always cherished your classroom instructors, the subject matter experts (SMEs) who teach your association’s in-person courses, workshops, and...

10 Benefits of Outsourcing Instructional Design for eLearning Programs

Everyone knows “the way we’ve always done it” is not usually the best way to move forward. Yet, many associations continue to have staff and...

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