The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Tips for Significantly Enhancing Your Learner Surveys

The odds are good your learner surveys aren’t so good. A harsh pronouncement, but probably true, unless you’re already following the advice of Will...

How to Improve Course Evaluations—and Measure a Course’s True Value

How often do you evaluate your evaluations? By revamping course evaluations to ask the right questions at the right time, you can gather what you...

Take a Learner Assessment-First Approach to Program Design

Learner assessment is a challenge for almost everyone, not only your association. Nearly 85% of learning professionals want to improve or...

How to Get Useful Student Feedback on Online Courses

When you collect useful student feedback on online courses, you can confidently assess and improve the effectiveness of your e-learning programs....

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