The TopClass Blog

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Learning Science Made Easy: The Original, Revised & Rebuffed Bloom’s Taxonomy

If you spend enough time with educators, you’re bound to hear something about Bloom’s Taxonomy. But maybe you’re fuzzy on what it’s about. Something...

Learning Science Made Easy: Improve the Effectiveness of Education Programs with Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction

A little knowledge of learning science can have an enormous impact on your association’s education programs. Robert Gagne introduced his 9 events of...

13 Ways to Differentiate Your Online Learning Programs from the Competition

The barriers to entry in the online learning business are minimal. Any individual or organization can launch a website, create a few courses and...

Use the Behavioral Science Principles of Gaming, Not Gamification, to Motivate Learners

“Gamification makes about as much sense as chocolate-dipped broccoli,” said Adrian Segar at Conferences That Work. A controversial statement,...

Myths About Online Learning: It’s Not the Emergency Remote Instruction Your Kids Received This Spring

As the next school year and college semester approach, many parents and students wonder about the effectiveness and value of online instruction....

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