The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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How to Sell Education to Hard-to-Reach Employees of Member Companies

Associations have a hard time making employees of member companies aware of and interested in their education programs. Many employees don’t even...

The New Improved Approach to New Member Onboarding and Engagement

When making a case for improving new member onboarding and engagement at your association, your chances are better if you can say, “Look at what...

Professional Development’s Role in Membership Is Growing, per the 2022 MGI Report

Combine uncertainty about the economy with post-pandemic reflections on how we value and spend our time and money, and you have the conditions for...

The Physics of Membership: Investigating Unknown Influences on Member Behavior

This past year, you could count on one thing: uncertainty. You can count on it in the year ahead too. We can speculate about the future, but only...

Reboarding Members: A Strategy for Increasing Member Engagement & Retention

Now that stay-at-home orders are lifting in many states, companies are developing plans for reboarding employees. They must reintroduce employees to...

The Growing Member Need for Self-Care & Wellbeing Education

“It’s easier to care for the community, once you’ve taken care of yourself,” says The Community Roundtable, a membership organization for the online...

How Your LMS Can Improve New Member Onboarding

In an attempt to increase the retention of first-year members, a new member onboarding plan has become a necessity for many associations. There’s...

Why Measure the Lifetime Value of Members and Customers?

Associations analyze their data so they can better understand members and customers, and make confident decisions about programs, content, and...

Education for Supplier Members: Help Members Do Business with Members

When it comes to professional development, many associations ignore a large segment of their membership: their industry partner members. Your...

Associations Provide an Antidote to the Loneliness Epidemic

When social media started to go mainstream, many industry pundits predicted the demise of associations. With the web at their fingertips, people...

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