The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Your Holiday Reading List: Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2020

What’s on your mind? One way for us to find out is by seeing which of our blog posts are most popular with website visitors. This year, our list of...

Create Compelling Educational Programs by Copying 7 Moves from Queen’s Gambit

If we could meet around the office watercooler, I know what everyone would be talking about… Queen’s Gambit. This Netflix series has been the buzz of...

How to Become the Corporate Training Partner for Member Companies

Your members’ corporate training teams were already challenged before the pandemic arrived. They were “small, lean, and strapped for resources as of...

Myths About Online Learning: It’s Not the Emergency Remote Instruction Your Kids Received This Spring

As the next school year and college semester approach, many parents and students wonder about the effectiveness and value of online instruction....

Tips for New Online Instructors and Virtual Presenters

Right now, someone you know (maybe you!) is bummed because the conference (workshop or course) they were hoping to attend has been canceled. Many...

How Your Association Can Use Zoom for Professional Development

During this prolonged coronavirus crisis, associations are having to ramp up their digital engagement with members and customers. This is a lot...

Lessons from NIGP: How to Quickly Convert In-Person Courses to Online Courses

NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement had more than 100 in-person, one- to three-day courses scheduled between March and mid-May when the...

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