The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Your Association’s Role in Students’ Lives During the COVID-19 Summer and Gap Year

We’re all looking into the future with uncertainty but it’s even worse for recent high school graduates, college students, and college graduates....

Market Virtual Education Programs Carefully and Caringly Right Now

Nothing is going as planned. You can’t market virtual education programs like you anticipated earlier this year. Members and customers’ lives, needs,...

Help Members Cope with the Economic Impact of COVID-19

In the association community, talk of a recession had crept up a few times in the past year. Now, it’s at the top of the agenda. Many industries,...

Prepare for a Different Set of Member Needs During the COVID-19 Crisis

Cancelled events, remote working, government guidelines, mandates, and legislation—every day a new COVID-19 challenge comes along. Meanwhile, you’re...

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