The TopClass Blog

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5 Extreme Brainstorming Questions to Help Imagine a Better Future for Your Association

The pandemic knocked many of us out of our comfort zones, however, it also sparked growth in ways we couldn’t have foreseen. Today, we’re proposing a...

How Your Association Can Prepare for the Unpredictable Chaos of BANI

Given the pandemic, political divisiveness, weather crises, and economic doom and gloom, it’s no wonder many of us have a hard time “seeing our world...

10 Rules for Generating Value and Growth for Your Education Programs

The only way forward for association education programs is to improve them and grow them. This is not a time to stand in place. There is no good...

A Strategy Canvas Helps You Plan and Manage Learning Projects

It’s natural to feel frazzled when you’re in charge of a project that’s way out of your comfort zone and above your pay grade. It sure would be nice...

Get to Know, Practice & Implement a Product Development Cycle

Associations need a strategy and process for developing new educational products, services, and events, otherwise assumptions and biases enter the...

How to Improve Course Evaluations—and Measure a Course’s True Value

How often do you evaluate your evaluations? By revamping course evaluations to ask the right questions at the right time, you can gather what you...

Become the Most Interesting Person in the Room: Your Association’s In-House Futurist

No one can predict the future, not even the nice fortune-teller you visit on the way to the beach. A world full of humans with freewill can upset...

7 Ideas Worth Stealing from For-Profit Professional Development Brands

This week, we’re looking at news in the for-profit professional development market. Why? Some of these companies might be your competition—it’s...

Learning Science Made Easy: Fast & Furious Instructional Design with SAM

It doesn’t take long for anyone working in professional development to hear about ADDIE and SAM. Who are these uppercase people? You quickly learn...

Learning Science Made Easy: Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

If you manage educational programs, a knowledge of learning science can help you understand how program design makes a difference in how learners...

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