The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Frugal Innovation Practices for Associations with Tight Budgets

When conference keynotes talk about innovation, they share stories from companies with deep pockets, like Disney or Google. I’ve never met an...

Design Thinking for Associations: We're Taking It from Conceptual to Practical

Behind every challenge for associations right now is our shared reality: everything is changing and uncertain. Planning for the future is a constant...

4 Silver Linings for Associations Right Now That Bode Well for Future Success

One challenge after another has been thrown at associations lately, but you’re taking them on and coming out stronger on the other side. Many more...

Which Educational Delivery Method Is Best for Your New Program?

Imagine this. For the last few months, you’ve heard members talking about having to master inbound marketing. In the online community, at events,...

What Depop Can Teach Associations About Attracting the Next Generation

If you haven’t yet heard of Depop, the social shopping and resale app, you will. In the United Kingdom, one-third of all 16- to 24-year-olds are on...

How to Spot Emerging Educational Needs Your Competitors Are Overlooking

Billy Beane, the Oakland A’s general manager made famous by the movie Moneyball, paid attention to data that other baseball teams were ignoring.

An Educational Moonshot: Association-Style Disruption

How grand is your association’s vision for your educational programs? With all the disruption going on around us and in your industry, will...

Six Elements of a Useful Educational Needs Assessment

How things change. What were once considered “best practices” in association management are now thought of as inadequate or outdated. Case in point:...

How to Manage When You’re an Education Department of One

Survey after survey says people join associations because they want to learn and connect with others in their profession. Professional development is...

How to Get Board Approval (and a Budget) for Online Learning

Everyone wants a piece of the pie when it comes to your association’s budget. If your department’s piece has traditionally been a sliver, it’s tough...

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