The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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How Association Professionals Are Using ChatGPT—and Related ChatGPT Musings

In early March, we published our first post about ChatGPT. Since then, I’ve heard many association professionals discuss how they’re using ChatGPT....

How to Use ChatGPT to Manage and Market Your Association’s Education Programs

Have you ever dreamed of having an assistant who lessens your workload? And does it for free? Dreams do come true, but this one comes on a wave of...

Practical Advice About Association Management from the Stoics

Stoicism is back in vogue. The wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca is shared in the locker rooms of the Patriots and Seahawks, in Silicon...

11 Areas in Need of Decluttering in Your Association, Your Work Life and Your Mind

With no elbow grease required, decluttering seems like an easy spring project… until you get started. Then you just want to wipe that grin off Marie...

How to Get Back Your Association Mojo

Nearly seven months in, you’d think we’d have a handle on dealing with this never-ending pandemic. Sure, we’re used to wearing masks and staying our...

If You’re Distracted at Work & Dispirited by the News, Remember Your Purpose

Last week, a number of people in my social media feeds were talking about how difficult it was to focus on work. It was comforting to know I wasn’t...

16 Strategies to Improve Focus, Minimize Busywork & Find Time for Deep Work

How do you start your day at work? Do you ease in by checking email and other platforms? Do you begin with a little busywork and then end up doing...

In 2020, Stop Busywork and Concentrate on Deep Work

Make a vow to stop being so productive in 2020. That’s not as strange as it sounds, allow me to clarify. Stop spending so much time on busywork....

Plan Now for a Professional Development Day During the Holidays

Several times a year, kids are sent home early or have a day off so teachers can attend professional development workshops. Teachers look forward to...

13 Ways to Develop Expertise & Keep Up with Trends in Your Industry

You are subject matter experts (SMEs) in association management, or more specifically, in professional development, membership, government affairs,...

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