The TopClass Blog

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Learning Science Made Easy: Improve the Effectiveness of Education Programs with Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction

A little knowledge of learning science can have an enormous impact on your association’s education programs. Robert Gagne introduced his 9 events of...

4 Ways Event and Learning Data Can Help Your Association Achieve Its Goals

It’s an exciting time to be in the professional development business. If your association analyzes its event and learning data, you’ve seen how the...

Frugal Innovation Practices for Associations with Tight Budgets

When conference keynotes talk about innovation, they share stories from companies with deep pockets, like Disney or Google. I’ve never met an...

How to Use Learner Journey Mapping to Improve the Educational Experience

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get inside a learner’s head and see their entire experience with your educational programs from their perspective?...

Take a Learner Assessment-First Approach to Program Design

Learner assessment is a challenge for almost everyone, not only your association. Nearly 85% of learning professionals want to improve or...

Which Educational Delivery Method Is Best for Your New Program?

Imagine this. For the last few months, you’ve heard members talking about having to master inbound marketing. In the online community, at events,...

How to Convince Reluctant Instructors & SMEs to Give E-Learning a Chance

You’ve always cherished your classroom instructors, the subject matter experts (SMEs) who teach your association’s in-person courses, workshops, and...

Six Elements of a Useful Educational Needs Assessment

How things change. What were once considered “best practices” in association management are now thought of as inadequate or outdated. Case in point:...

Associations Have the Advantage in the Digital Badges Market

It’s a great time for job-hunting—as long as you have the skills employers need. But, 92 percent of executives believe Americans don’t have the right...

How to Get Useful Student Feedback on Online Courses

When you collect useful student feedback on online courses, you can confidently assess and improve the effectiveness of your e-learning programs....

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