The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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The Riches Are in the Niches: Consider the Appeal of Smaller, Niche Conferences

We’ve noticed a topic cropping up in event planner communities: a growing interest in smaller, niche conferences. Is the lack of enthusiasm for mass...

Your Holiday Reading List: Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2020

What’s on your mind? One way for us to find out is by seeing which of our blog posts are most popular with website visitors. This year, our list of...

Don’t Ghost Your Attendees: How to Close a Virtual Conference

In the closing days of 2020, we need to talk about the closing moments of virtual conferences. I recently read The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and...

Create Compelling Educational Programs by Copying 7 Moves from Queen’s Gambit

If we could meet around the office watercooler, I know what everyone would be talking about… Queen’s Gambit. This Netflix series has been the buzz of...

A Hybrid Conference Alternative for Overwhelmed Event & Education Teams

Everyone’s looking forward to the day, hopefully in 2021, when in-person conferences can return. But, although some members can’t wait to get back...

Virtual Conference Session Recordings: the Launchpad for Your Association’s Online Learning Programs

If your association is in the learning business, virtual conferences are a must. In the coming year, virtual conferences will be the most effective...

10 Ways to Entice Members & Prospects to Visit Your Association’s LMS

Many of your members and prospective customers have recently been introduced to a learning management system (LMS)—the one their kids use for remote...

The Attendee’s Learning Journey Begins, Not Ends, with Your Virtual Conference

For two days, members and non-members were completely caught up in your association’s virtual conference. The breakout rooms and chat boxes were...

Virtual Conference Pricing: The Many Factors to Consider

The cancellation of in-person conferences has had a devastating financial impact on associations. Virtual conferences and other online education...

New Ways to Provide Value to Virtual Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors

During the last six months, many of us, perhaps you too, have been thinking non-stop about virtual conferences. We’ve learned a great deal along the...

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