The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Don’t Let Zoom Fatigue Affect Attendance for Your Virtual Events

By now, the audience for your virtual conference is probably experiencing Zoom fatigue. Although they want to hear your speakers and chat with other...

It’s Time to Integrate the Meetings and Education Teams at Your Association

As a learning management system (LMS) company, we love talking about integration. But this time, we’re not talking about technology. We’re talking...

4 Silver Linings for Associations Right Now That Bode Well for Future Success

One challenge after another has been thrown at associations lately, but you’re taking them on and coming out stronger on the other side. Many more...

10 Attendee Complaints About Virtual Conferences—and How to Prevent Them

Like us, you’ve probably attended a few virtual events recently and discussed them afterwards with colleagues. The same complaints about virtual...

Market Virtual Education Programs Carefully and Caringly Right Now

Nothing is going as planned. You can’t market virtual education programs like you anticipated earlier this year. Members and customers’ lives, needs,...

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