The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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The Critical Role of LMS Developers & QA Testers during Implementation

Have you ever wondered why your LMS software works as well as it does? How it traveled from a bunch of developers’ brains to your computer screen?...

Challenges and Opportunities for Association Education Programs

We have come across several interesting articles in the past couple of weeks, which discuss some of the social, political and economic changes that...

New Year Resolution: Invest in Association Learning Technology

We are all making personal and professional new year's resolutions for 2017, setting goals and making promises to ourselves to keep them this year....

Which Association Learning Trends Predictions Came True in 2016?

With just a couple of weeks to the end of the year and a huge variety of association learning solutions being showcased this week at ASAE Technology...

Successful Learning Management System Implementation eBook

Recently, eLearning Industry invited WBT Systems to contribute to the publication of a free eBook which addresses one of the biggest concerns faced...

Essential Steps BEFORE Planning for an LMS Implementation

Fall is a transitional season, with the leaves changing color and starting to shed, and we start thinking about planning for the weather changes...

Top Technology Strategy Tips for NiUG Discovery

With less than a week to NiUG Discovery 2016, we are excited to be sponsoring this great, interactive, learning and networking event for the iMIS...

Enhance eLearning Assessment to Maintain Learner Engagement

One way to improve the learner experience is to aim to improve engagement in our eLearning assessment by addressing the variety and format of the...

How to Make the Most of ASAE Annual Expo 2016

With less than two weeks to the ASAE Annual Meeting and Expo 2016, the largest event for Associations each year, we are putting in place our final...

Support Professional Learners Offline with an LMS

The recent report on Lifelong Learning and Technology released by the Internet, Science and Technology subdivision of Pew Research Center made some...

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