TopClass Blog

Top Technology Strategy Tips for NiUG Discovery

Written by Debbie Willis | Sep 19, 2016 4:00:00 AM

With less than a week to NiUG Discovery 2016, we are excited to be sponsoring this great, interactive, learning and networking event for the iMIS Community! As we pack and ship our materials, arrange meetings with partners, clients and associations, and put the finishing touches on our TopClass demos, we started thinking about our top technology strategy tips for getting the most out of the conference. Have you got a plan?

NiUG conferences offer expert instructors who have real-life experience, networking, and exhibitors that feature the newest technologies. For any association executives looking for new technology solutions for learning, engagement, or community, or seeking to change to a new system, there will also be a range of trusted vendors to choose from at the Exhibitor Showcase. Visiting the booths will provide opportunities to get a closer look at the technologies themselves, but also to collect case studies and brochures, and to speak with the vendors about their experiences of working with associations like yours. Use our tips to learn how to make the most of your time at NiUG Discovery, with a focus on your technology strategy:


Plan, Plan, Plan

As with any big event, the key to making the most of your time there is in the planning. There are so many great sessions to choose from! Our top picks for each day are:

Change Happens: Creating a Culture of Innovation
Technology and business strategies are always evolving but your staff may not be as eager to embrace these changes. Learn how to navigate and employ change with your staff – creating a culture of innovation.
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes
Technology is constantly changing and for success, your organization needs to change with it! This session explores easy ways to stay efficient in today's technical arena. This fast paced session will show you as many tips & tricks as there are minutes in the session so get ready and make sure you have had your caffeine fix so you can keep up!
Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The Exhibitor Showcase will be open during the networking lunches and in between sessions:

Tuesday, September 27
12:30 p.m.–1:25 p.m.

Wednesday, September 28
12:30 p.m.–1:25 p.m.

The Exhibitor Showcase will be busy during lunch, so do try to pop back between sessions for a one-on-one chat. We would suggest making a list of the exhibitors you really want to visit, those you would like to visit if you have some time, and also leaving some time to browse the booths, because sometimes you could come across something unexpected that turns out to be really useful. This will help you to use your time more efficiently to get all the information you need from both the sessions and the vendors.


Arrange Appointments to Dig Deeper

Sometimes it can be a good idea to arrange one-on-one meetings, so that you can have a deeper discussion about your needs. If the booth is busy, it can be difficult to ask all the questions you want to if you are conscious of other associations waiting to speak with the exhibitors also. Appointments can be arranged outside of the Exhibition hours also, extending your opportunities to research new solutions for your association. Make sure you check the schedule when making appointments to make sure you don't miss any of the great education sessions! And don't forget, there are networking events on Monday and Tuesday night also, so there are plenty of opportunities to have a chat, ask questions and share experiences.

Partner & Exhibitor Welcome Reception
LOCATION: Hard Rock Café Baltimore, 601 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Monday 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

NiUG Evening Networking Event
LOCATION: Top of the World, 401 E. Pratt Street, 27th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202
Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


Know Your Requirements

If you are looking for any new technology solutions, such as association learning management systems or other technologies, the NiUG Discovery 2016 is a great place to do your research and to shortlist vendors you would like to engage with further after the show to learn more. However, if you are really seriously looking, it would be a great idea to make a list of your requirements, and to keep these on hand as you walk through the expo hall. All the vendors will have solutions that are integrated with iMIS, to help you connect and engage with your members in new ways. There will be so many different types of solution, each offering something slightly different, or the latest and greatest trending features, and having your core requirements list on hand will ensure you don't get distracted by shiny features you don't want or need. With your list on hand, you'll be able to consider carefully if these match or enhance your required features, and then you can have a more meaningful conversation with the vendor.

Because we are in the business of learning solutions for associations, here's a link to an on-demand webinar on How to Select an Association LMS, which gives a great overview on defining requirements for selecting a learning management system for your association. You might also want to check out this article on Defining your LMS Requirements like a Pro, from the analysts at Talented Learning.

WBT Systems has been a proud supporter and partner of NiUG International for years. Did you know that TopClass LMS powers the online learning platform for NiUG International, the largest independent user group for the iMIS engagement management system, with over 45,850 enrolments?

Read the Case Study now


WBT Systems will be exhibiting our learning solutions for Associations in the Exhibitor Showcase, during NiUG Discovery 2016. We would be happy to share our extensive experience of working with associations to power their education and certification programs with you, and we will have exciting news to share about the new TopClass LMS version 10! Make sure to make time to visit and chat to us about your learning solution requirements.