The TopClass Blog

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30 Ideas for Generating Non-Dues Revenue from Online Education Programs

In a brainstorming session, an organization’s culture and history can restrain ideation. But when you get together in an ideation session with people...

Learning Science Made Easy: The Original, Revised & Rebuffed Bloom’s Taxonomy

If you spend enough time with educators, you’re bound to hear something about Bloom’s Taxonomy. But maybe you’re fuzzy on what it’s about. Something...

Pricing Decisions for Education Programs: When Is Free Okay?

Looking back, what do you think of these two decisions made by many associations during the early months of the pandemic?

Learning Science Made Easy: Improve the Effectiveness of Education Programs with Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction

A little knowledge of learning science can have an enormous impact on your association’s education programs. Robert Gagne introduced his 9 events of...

Your Association’s Education Programs Can Provide What the Remote Workplace Lacks

The workplace is unsettling for many people right now. Organizations have the technology and processes for remote and hybrid work in place, but many...

4 Essential Strategies for Establishing a High-Performing Professional Development Committee

In a time of accelerating change, everyone who cares about advancing their career (or holding onto their job) knows they have to keep increasing...

Why Your Association Needs an LMS in 2022—Even Though You Survived the Pandemic Without One

You made it this far through the pandemic without an LMS, and with in-person conferences back on the schedule, why would your association need an LMS...

Cohort-Based Online Courses: The Solution to Boring Lectures & Virtual Fatigue

You heard it here first: associations with cohort-based online courses will dominate their market and provide the most effective, transformational...

Here We Go Again… With an Uncertain Future, Be Prepared for a Return to Virtual

The fall of 2021 was supposed to be the season when we could look back on our experimental pandemic accomplishments with pride and finally enjoy...

How Could Your Association’s Learning Business Shape a Better Future for Your Industry?

“What is the highest ambition we can pursue as an association before the end of this decade?”

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