The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Improve the Online Learning Experience with a Train-the-Trainer Program

Moving your in-person conferences and courses to an online platform was like putting on a new pair of prescription glasses. What was once blurry in...

The Riches Are in the Niches: Consider the Appeal of Smaller, Niche Conferences

We’ve noticed a topic cropping up in event planner communities: a growing interest in smaller, niche conferences. Is the lack of enthusiasm for mass...

A Swipe File for Association Marketers: Marketing Copy Ideas for Education Programs

Lots of posts, including ours, provide advice on marketing strategies and tactics, but when it’s time to do the work, you’re on your own. This post...

What the Research Says About the Pandemic’s Impact on Associations

A bumper crop of survey reports has arrived this spring that provides insight into the pandemic’s impact on associations and an outlook on...

Why & How to Bring Back the Lost Art of Listening

Did you ever notice that LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same letters—something to think about. Most of us don’t listen well. Listening is not...

11 Areas in Need of Decluttering in Your Association, Your Work Life and Your Mind

With no elbow grease required, decluttering seems like an easy spring project… until you get started. Then you just want to wipe that grin off Marie...

The Physics of Membership: Investigating Unknown Influences on Member Behavior

This past year, you could count on one thing: uncertainty. You can count on it in the year ahead too. We can speculate about the future, but only...

How to Host a Rewarding Ideation Session for Members and Volunteer Leaders

On St. Patrick’s Day, a group of association professionals got together to come up with ideas for new virtual learning products for the International...

Adults Need Guidance Counselors Too: Educational Coaches Guide People into Your Education & Credentialing Programs

In high school, guidance counselors helped you pick the right classes and select the right colleges. But now you’re all grown up. You have to figure...

Volunteer SMEs: Your Association Can’t Live Without Them, So How Do You Live More Easily with Them?

One day, you love them. The next day, you want to wring some of their necks. Am I talking about chapter leaders? No, although they too fall into the...

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