The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Virtual Conference Session Recordings: the Launchpad for Your Association’s Online Learning Programs

If your association is in the learning business, virtual conferences are a must. In the coming year, virtual conferences will be the most effective...

How to Become the Corporate Training Partner for Member Companies

Your members’ corporate training teams were already challenged before the pandemic arrived. They were “small, lean, and strapped for resources as of...

Frugal Innovation Practices for Associations with Tight Budgets

When conference keynotes talk about innovation, they share stories from companies with deep pockets, like Disney or Google. I’ve never met an...

How to Get Back Your Association Mojo

Nearly seven months in, you’d think we’d have a handle on dealing with this never-ending pandemic. Sure, we’re used to wearing masks and staying our...

10 Ways to Entice Members & Prospects to Visit Your Association’s LMS

Many of your members and prospective customers have recently been introduced to a learning management system (LMS)—the one their kids use for remote...

The Attendee’s Learning Journey Begins, Not Ends, with Your Virtual Conference

For two days, members and non-members were completely caught up in your association’s virtual conference. The breakout rooms and chat boxes were...

How to Market Credentialing Programs in an Uncertain Economy

Back in June, a tweet caught my eye:

Virtual Conference Pricing: The Many Factors to Consider

The cancellation of in-person conferences has had a devastating financial impact on associations. Virtual conferences and other online education...

New Ways to Provide Value to Virtual Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors

During the last six months, many of us, perhaps you too, have been thinking non-stop about virtual conferences. We’ve learned a great deal along the...

Embrace the Opportunities in Disruption & Reimagine Your Association’s Future

Disruption is uncomfortable, but don’t let it get the best of you—look for the opportunities in disruption. Maybe you work at an association that...

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