The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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How Two Associations Created Career Pathways for Their Members & Market

When hiking up a mountain, well-marked trails prevent you from wasting time and energy, facing an insurmountable obstacle on the way, or getting...

Virtual Fellowships Will Cultivate the Next Generation of Leaders for Your Association and Industry

Conferences aren’t the only programs shifting to virtual these days. Many nonprofits now offer virtual fellowships — and some of them like the idea...

The High Career Cost of Working from Home for Gen Z and Millennials

Early career professionals—Gen Z and millennials—can’t catch a break. The economy stinks, their social lives are restricted, and working from home...

Is There a Need for Professionals to Become “Virtual Certified” in Your Industry?

Everyone in the association community has watched one particular profession get dramatically disrupted by the pandemic: the event planner. In a...

Myths About Online Learning: It’s Not the Emergency Remote Instruction Your Kids Received This Spring

As the next school year and college semester approach, many parents and students wonder about the effectiveness and value of online instruction....

Design Thinking for Associations: We're Taking It from Conceptual to Practical

Behind every challenge for associations right now is our shared reality: everything is changing and uncertain. Planning for the future is a constant...

Don’t Let Zoom Fatigue Affect Attendance for Your Virtual Events

By now, the audience for your virtual conference is probably experiencing Zoom fatigue. Although they want to hear your speakers and chat with other...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education Is Your Association’s Calling & Responsibility

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

It’s Time to Integrate the Meetings and Education Teams at Your Association

As a learning management system (LMS) company, we love talking about integration. But this time, we’re not talking about technology. We’re talking...

4 Silver Linings for Associations Right Now That Bode Well for Future Success

One challenge after another has been thrown at associations lately, but you’re taking them on and coming out stronger on the other side. Many more...

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