The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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A Conversation with LMS Analyst John Leh of Talented Learning

We had the pleasure of chatting recently with John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning. Named a “Top 20 Global Elearning Mover and Shaker”...

Take a Learner Assessment-First Approach to Program Design

Learner assessment is a challenge for almost everyone, not only your association. Nearly 85% of learning professionals want to improve or...

Learning Subscriptions Help Good Intentions Come to Life

Ask a member if lifelong learning is essential for future success and they’ll most likely say, “Yes.” But talking about it and doing it are two...

Which Educational Delivery Method Is Best for Your New Program?

Imagine this. For the last few months, you’ve heard members talking about having to master inbound marketing. In the online community, at events,...

Mastering the Art of Writing Course & Product Descriptions

Your association invested a good deal of time and money into designing a new online learning program, and now you have to sell it. You can’t just...

What Depop Can Teach Associations About Attracting the Next Generation

If you haven’t yet heard of Depop, the social shopping and resale app, you will. In the United Kingdom, one-third of all 16- to 24-year-olds are on...

How to Spot Emerging Educational Needs Your Competitors Are Overlooking

Billy Beane, the Oakland A’s general manager made famous by the movie Moneyball, paid attention to data that other baseball teams were ignoring.

Why Measure the Lifetime Value of Members and Customers?

Associations analyze their data so they can better understand members and customers, and make confident decisions about programs, content, and...

Education for Supplier Members: Help Members Do Business with Members

When it comes to professional development, many associations ignore a large segment of their membership: their industry partner members. Your...

How to Convince Reluctant Instructors & SMEs to Give E-Learning a Chance

You’ve always cherished your classroom instructors, the subject matter experts (SMEs) who teach your association’s in-person courses, workshops, and...

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