The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Professional Development as an Employee Retention Strategy for Your Association

Employee retention is an ongoing issue for associations. This summer’s Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives (CESSE) conference...

How Association Professionals Are Using ChatGPT—and Related ChatGPT Musings

In early March, we published our first post about ChatGPT. Since then, I’ve heard many association professionals discuss how they’re using ChatGPT....

What Associations Need to Know About Launching a Podcast

Do you listen to association-focused podcasts? You might know about Leading Learning podcast from Tagoras because it's mentioned frequently on this...

Research Report: How Your Association Can Better Attract, Support and Retain Adult Learners

An episode of the Leading Learning Now podcast, hosted by Jeff Cobb and Celisa Steel from Tagoras, inspired this post about attracting, supporting,...

What Can You Learn from Learning Analytics?

Your association has an abundance of useful data in your LMS, AMS, website’s CMS, community platform, email marketing platform, and elsewhere. This...

The Competition for Time: Convincing Members to Commit Time to Professional Development

The fundamental marketing challenge for associations is this: you’re competing for a share of your member’s time. Since this blog’s focus is...

Free Leadership Training for Volunteers: A Fair Exchange for Their Time

Despite what your association might be experiencing, volunteerism is strong. A new ASAE Foundation report, A Holistic Approach to Association...

7 Business Model Strategies to Steal from For-Profit Online Learning Providers

It pays to watch what for-profits in the learning business are doing. The fastest growing customer segment for online learning providers, like...

Strengthen Relationships & Revenue with a Corporate Learning Concierge Service for Industry Employers

Here’s a million-dollar idea: help us hapless humans close the distance between having good intentions and taking action on those intentions.

Using a Job Analysis to Design & Market Credentialing Programs

If your association offers (or plans to offer) a credentialing program, you know all about job analysis—or should know. Job analysis is the best way...

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