The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Design Education Programs to Create Intrinsic Motivation in Members

Members have a genuine desire to learn. They joined your association because they want to improve their skills and advance their career. Even though...

7 Ways a New LMS Benefits the Oklahoma State Medical Association’s Continuing Medical Education Program

The inevitable came a lot sooner than the Oklahoma State Medical Association (OSMA) anticipated—which was the case for many associations during the...

Why Your Association Needs an LMS in 2022—Even Though You Survived the Pandemic Without One

You made it this far through the pandemic without an LMS, and with in-person conferences back on the schedule, why would your association need an LMS...

10 Ways to Entice Members & Prospects to Visit Your Association’s LMS

Many of your members and prospective customers have recently been introduced to a learning management system (LMS)—the one their kids use for remote...

Reboarding Members: A Strategy for Increasing Member Engagement & Retention

Now that stay-at-home orders are lifting in many states, companies are developing plans for reboarding employees. They must reintroduce employees to...

How Your Association Can Use Zoom for Professional Development

During this prolonged coronavirus crisis, associations are having to ramp up their digital engagement with members and customers. This is a lot...

The Basics of LMS Project Management from Kickoff to Close

Here’s the good news: the board approved the budget for a new learning management system (LMS). And, the not-so-good news: it looks like LMS project...

What You Need to Know About Being an Accidental LMS Project Manager

Congratulations, you got the okay for a new learning management system (LMS). But guess what? You also found out you’re the LMS project manager,...

10 Factors to Consider When Selecting an LMS

You never want to have that dawning realization that you should have thought of something earlier—something so important that you’re afraid to admit...

Identify LMS Reporting Requirements Before Starting the Selection Process

Reports are often an afterthought during LMS selection and implementation. Usually, near the end of the project, associations start thinking about...

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