The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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8 Education Program Marketing Principles to Revisit or Research

Association professionals must be competent in many areas—or domains, if you’re CAE-bound. Yes, you are modern Renaissance men and women. One of the...

Pricing Decisions for Education Programs: When Is Free Okay?

Looking back, what do you think of these two decisions made by many associations during the early months of the pandemic?

How to Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Marketing Your Education Programs

When members and non-members want to find information, explore a topic or scratch an intellectual itch, they turn to a search engine, usually Google....

12 Digital Marketing Channels for Your Association’s Education Programs

Everyone’s life has changed to some extent in the past nine months. You’ve probably changed how you market your association’s education programs too....

Selling Education to Nonmembers, a Market Segment with Huge Potential

If you’re like most associations, the biggest segment of your market is nonmembers, not members. Nonmembers need education as much as your members...

How to Use Webinars as Lead Generation for Your Online Courses

What does it take to make a seven-figure income from online courses? Ask Amy Porterfield. She’s a multi-millionaire online marketing expert who says,...

The Best Marketing for Educational Programs is Content Marketing

How many promotions and advertisements do your members see each day? By any count, too many. Yet you count on them seeing, opening, and clicking on...

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