The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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What to Consider When Pricing Education Programs

Pricing education programs gives many of us the heebie-jeebies. Too high—you turn off prospective learners, perhaps forever. Too low—you leave money...

8 Education Program Marketing Principles to Revisit or Research

Association professionals must be competent in many areas—or domains, if you’re CAE-bound. Yes, you are modern Renaissance men and women. One of the...

How to Build DEI into Your Association’s Educational Strategy

DEI is a business imperative that’s not going anywhere. But it calls for intentional, strategic thinking and action. You can’t just throw the jargon...

In an Employers’ Job Market, It’s Time for New Marketing Messages

Over the past year, the job market has changed. No longer a job hunters’ market, it now favors employers. Your association’s marketing messages must...

Post-Program Campaigns That Help Build Relationships With & Between Participants

You go out on a date, have a great time, there’s a good feeling all around, and nice memories when you replay the highlights in your head.

Topics That Struck a Chord with the Association Community in 2023

Reviewing our social media analytics for the past year, several blog posts obviously struck a chord with our followers. If you’re taking a few days...

5 Emotional Marketing Triggers for Educational Events and Programs

The target audiences for your educational programs and events are overwhelmed with marketing messages in their inboxes, on their social platforms,...

How Association Professionals Are Using ChatGPT—and Related ChatGPT Musings

In early March, we published our first post about ChatGPT. Since then, I’ve heard many association professionals discuss how they’re using ChatGPT....

What Associations Need to Know About Launching a Podcast

Do you listen to association-focused podcasts? You might know about Leading Learning podcast from Tagoras because it's mentioned frequently on this...

Research Report: How Your Association Can Better Attract, Support and Retain Adult Learners

An episode of the Leading Learning Now podcast, hosted by Jeff Cobb and Celisa Steel from Tagoras, inspired this post about attracting, supporting,...

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