The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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What Can You Learn from Learning Analytics?

Your association has an abundance of useful data in your LMS, AMS, website’s CMS, community platform, email marketing platform, and elsewhere. This...

The Competition for Time: Convincing Members to Commit Time to Professional Development

The fundamental marketing challenge for associations is this: you’re competing for a share of your member’s time. Since this blog’s focus is...

How to Use ChatGPT to Manage and Market Your Association’s Education Programs

Have you ever dreamed of having an assistant who lessens your workload? And does it for free? Dreams do come true, but this one comes on a wave of...

A Justification Toolkit Helps Persuade Employers to Pay for Learning

As long as the economy’s direction is uncertain, some employers will be reluctant to spend money on their employees’ professional development....

How to Sell Education to Hard-to-Reach Employees of Member Companies

Associations have a hard time making employees of member companies aware of and interested in their education programs. Many employees don’t even...

Recession-Proof Your Association’s Learning Business

Learning business” is the phrase used by Tagoras to describe organizations that deliver adult lifelong learning, continuing education, and...

How to Emulate the Word-of-Mouth Marketing Success of USF’s Popular DEI Certificate Program

In early 2021, I saw dozens of my LinkedIn connections share information about attending a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) online certificate...

What Your Learners Are Really Buying

Seth Godin has a way of crystallizing the complexity of human behavior in one or two pithy sentences. This pronouncement of his got me thinking about...

What’s Working for the Top Fundraising Nonprofits in 2022

The ‘nonprofit’ descriptor bothers many in the association community because ‘profit’ is not a dirty word. Associations must earn a healthy profit if...

7 Ideas Worth Stealing from For-Profit Professional Development Brands

This week, we’re looking at news in the for-profit professional development market. Why? Some of these companies might be your competition—it’s...

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