The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Do You Think the Corporate C-Suite Finally Understands the Value of Professional Development?

It took a pandemic, an acceleration of unceasing change, and a surprising Great Resignation, but it looks like the C-suite finally understands and...

Why People Aren’t Registering for Educational Programs—and What You Can Do About It

Work is constantly in the news these days with stories about The Great Resignation, returning to the office vs. staying remote, and short-staffed...

Pricing Decisions for Education Programs: When Is Free Okay?

Looking back, what do you think of these two decisions made by many associations during the early months of the pandemic?

13 Ways to Differentiate Your Online Learning Programs from the Competition

The barriers to entry in the online learning business are minimal. Any individual or organization can launch a website, create a few courses and...

A Swipe File for Association Marketers: Marketing Copy Ideas for Education Programs

Lots of posts, including ours, provide advice on marketing strategies and tactics, but when it’s time to do the work, you’re on your own. This post...

11 Areas in Need of Decluttering in Your Association, Your Work Life and Your Mind

With no elbow grease required, decluttering seems like an easy spring project… until you get started. Then you just want to wipe that grin off Marie...

The Physics of Membership: Investigating Unknown Influences on Member Behavior

This past year, you could count on one thing: uncertainty. You can count on it in the year ahead too. We can speculate about the future, but only...

How to Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Marketing Your Education Programs

When members and non-members want to find information, explore a topic or scratch an intellectual itch, they turn to a search engine, usually Google....

Demonstrate Empathy in Action to Your Members, Attendees and Colleagues

Words represent ideas. When a word become overused and cliché, a good idea is easily dismissed. Lately, “empathy” is showing up everywhere—conference...

12 Digital Marketing Channels for Your Association’s Education Programs

Everyone’s life has changed to some extent in the past nine months. You’ve probably changed how you market your association’s education programs too....

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