The TopClass Blog

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With Workplace Changes, Members & Employers Need Dual-Purpose Leadership Training

Employers are realizing that managing staff who work from home differs greatly from managing staff who only work in the office. Leading or...

7 Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Work, Careers and Professional Development

“Making predictions is hard, not only because the future is hard to see, but also because the present is hard to grasp,” said Derek Thompson, staff...

Your Association’s Education Programs Can Provide What the Remote Workplace Lacks

The workplace is unsettling for many people right now. Organizations have the technology and processes for remote and hybrid work in place, but many...

Why the Great Resignation Is a Great Opportunity for Your Association

You’ve probably seen headlines about “The Great Resignation”—the wave of people quitting their jobs. A Prudential survey says 26% of employees plan...

7 Skills for Managing Remote Teams

The transition to remote work was like the transition to emergency remote instruction for schoolkids. Neither companies nor schools were prepared for...

11 Predictions About the Future of Work & the Role of Associations

Eight months ago, when talking about the future of work, remote work might have been a trend to consider. How things have changed. Now, remote work...

Is There a Need for Professionals to Become “Virtual Certified” in Your Industry?

Everyone in the association community has watched one particular profession get dramatically disrupted by the pandemic: the event planner. In a...

Prepare for a Different Set of Member Needs During the COVID-19 Crisis

Cancelled events, remote working, government guidelines, mandates, and legislation—every day a new COVID-19 challenge comes along. Meanwhile, you’re...

How to Help Individual & Company Members Adapt to Remote Work

Remote work is on the rise. 43% of employees now work remotely at least part of the time, according to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace....

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