The TopClass Blog

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A Scientific Approach to Education Programs Has a Positive Impact on Learners’ Job Performance & Career Advancement

Why do people invest their time and money in education programs? Because they want to enhance their career prospects by improving their resume and...

19 Ways to Make Asynchronous Online Courses More Engaging and Effective

When taking an online asynchronous (on-demand) course, learners don’t have to worry about sticking to a schedule if travel or work gets in the way....

A Strategy Canvas Helps You Plan and Manage Learning Projects

It’s natural to feel frazzled when you’re in charge of a project that’s way out of your comfort zone and above your pay grade. It sure would be nice...

Get to Know, Practice & Implement a Product Development Cycle

Associations need a strategy and process for developing new educational products, services, and events, otherwise assumptions and biases enter the...

Learning Science Made Easy: Use Action Mapping to Help Learners Improve Job Performance

We’re big on differentiators. We’re always on the lookout for ideas to help you design and deliver educational programs that will stand out from your...

Learning Science Made Easy: Fast & Furious Instructional Design with SAM

It doesn’t take long for anyone working in professional development to hear about ADDIE and SAM. Who are these uppercase people? You quickly learn...

Learning Science Made Easy: Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

If you manage educational programs, a knowledge of learning science can help you understand how program design makes a difference in how learners...

Learning Science Made Easy: Retrieval Practice

Let’s say you encounter a juicy, insightful paragraph while reading an article and think, “Wow, this is good. I need to remember this.” You slow down...

5 Lessons from Online Education Pioneers That Will Improve Your Association’s Online Courses

Back in the ‘90s, several innovative associations were our industry’s online education pioneers. But, based on personal experience, the learner...

Learning Science Made Easy: The Original, Revised & Rebuffed Bloom’s Taxonomy

If you spend enough time with educators, you’re bound to hear something about Bloom’s Taxonomy. But maybe you’re fuzzy on what it’s about. Something...

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