The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Boost Certification Pass Rates with Credentialing Exam Study Groups

If you've ever studied for the Certified Association Executive (CAE) exam, Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) exam, or another certification exam,...

Join the Coalition Supporting the Use of 529 Savings Plans for Association Credentialing Programs

Higher education has been under siege for their expensive degree programs with questionable real-world ROI. To protect their bottom line and...

Using a Job Analysis to Design & Market Credentialing Programs

If your association offers (or plans to offer) a credentialing program, you know all about job analysis—or should know. Job analysis is the best way...

SHRM Says: Employers Value Alternative Credentials—An Opportunity for Your Association

Associations are longtime issuers of ‘alternative’ credentials, but now everyone else is catching up thanks to a report released last month by the...

Digital Badge and Credentialing Programs for Students and Recent Graduates

College students and recent graduates are having a tough time right now. Sure, there are plenty of low-wage/low-skill opportunities available, but...

Launching a Certification in the Midst of a Crisis: A Brilliant or Berserk Idea?

Imagine your association was just about to launch a new certification when the whole world went into lockdown during the early days of the pandemic....

The Attendee’s Learning Journey Begins, Not Ends, with Your Virtual Conference

For two days, members and non-members were completely caught up in your association’s virtual conference. The breakout rooms and chat boxes were...

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