The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Peer-to-Peer Learning Programs Help Members Develop Skills and Relationships

At the ASAE Annual Meeting, peer-to-peer learning was everywhere. As conference speakers, association professionals shared ideas, how-to information,...

Gain a Competitive Edge: The Essential Elements of an Engaging Online Learning Experience

Do you and your team spend more time on in-person education or online education? If in-person has taken priority again, you’re doing your association...

Cohort Programs Deliver a Social Learning Experience That Will Set Your Association Apart from the Competition

Online learning got a tremendous boost during the pandemic when virtual conferences and courses were the only option for education. But people who...

5 Lessons from Online Education Pioneers That Will Improve Your Association’s Online Courses

Back in the ‘90s, several innovative associations were our industry’s online education pioneers. But, based on personal experience, the learner...

Your Association’s Education Programs Can Provide What the Remote Workplace Lacks

The workplace is unsettling for many people right now. Organizations have the technology and processes for remote and hybrid work in place, but many...

Cohort-Based Online Courses: The Solution to Boring Lectures & Virtual Fatigue

You heard it here first: associations with cohort-based online courses will dominate their market and provide the most effective, transformational...

Member Advisory Groups Provide Peer Connections and Valuable Insight

If you ask a member about their favorite association moment, it probably involved a conversation with one or more peers. That’s what members remember...

Peer Advisory Groups for Association Members Who Want to Learn From and With Each Other

In a recent virtual chat for association professionals, one person asked the others about membership renewals. In 15 minutes, she received advice on...

New Ideas for Online Learning Programs When You Don’t Have the Resources to Design a Course

This past year, what you need to know as an association professional changed unexpectedly. You had to quickly wrap your mind around new non-dues...

Embrace the Opportunities in Disruption & Reimagine Your Association’s Future

Disruption is uncomfortable, but don’t let it get the best of you—look for the opportunities in disruption. Maybe you work at an association that...

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