The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Increase the Value of Webinars by Delivering More Than Your Audience Expects

If you asked members which of these experiences most resembles your association’s webinars, which would they choose?

Reimagine & Improve Your Association’s Webinars for a Virtual Audience with Greater Expectations

‘Webinar’ has become a dirty word. For many, it conjures 10 minutes of introductory ‘housekeeping’ followed by a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation...

The Metaverse: Science Fiction or a Realistic Opportunity for Associations?

Should you pay attention to the metaverse? It depends on whom you ask. On one side, you have the loud, enthusiastic voices of Web3 and cryptocurrency...

Keep the Conference Buzz Going with a Year-Round Learning Community

After two years of disruption, many of you have been rethinking events. Maybe in-person events don’t have to focus so heavily on content since their...

Need More Hands on Deck? Recruit Online Education Volunteers

It’s easy to come up with great ideas for enhancing online education programs. We love doing that for you, and your members probably do too. However,...

5 Lessons from Online Education Pioneers That Will Improve Your Association’s Online Courses

Back in the ‘90s, several innovative associations were our industry’s online education pioneers. But, based on personal experience, the learner...

How the Technology-Averse Members of the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials Became Online Education Converts

Many of us have winced at the sight of someone’s backside when bent over in pants that expose too much—a condition unfortunately named after...

30 Ideas for Generating Non-Dues Revenue from Online Education Programs

In a brainstorming session, an organization’s culture and history can restrain ideation. But when you get together in an ideation session with people...

Here We Go Again… With an Uncertain Future, Be Prepared for a Return to Virtual

The fall of 2021 was supposed to be the season when we could look back on our experimental pandemic accomplishments with pride and finally enjoy...

Why OSCPA Isn’t Going Back to Their Pre-Pandemic In-Person Education Model

“We’re not going back”—that’s a statement we’ve been hearing a lot lately. After converting their in-person education programs to the virtual format,...

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