The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Tips for Recruiting Volunteers and SMEs for Online Education Programs

Since we’re in National Volunteer Week (April 21-27), it’s a good time to revisit a challenge that keeps coming up in association community...

Enhance Your Association’s Online Courses & Cohorts with Mentoring

With remote and hybrid work, people don’t have the same formal or informal mentoring opportunities as they did before lockdown. Young professionals,...

Free Leadership Training for Volunteers: A Fair Exchange for Their Time

Despite what your association might be experiencing, volunteerism is strong. A new ASAE Foundation report, A Holistic Approach to Association...

Need More Hands on Deck? Recruit Online Education Volunteers

It’s easy to come up with great ideas for enhancing online education programs. We love doing that for you, and your members probably do too. However,...

Your Association’s Education Programs Can Provide What the Remote Workplace Lacks

The workplace is unsettling for many people right now. Organizations have the technology and processes for remote and hybrid work in place, but many...

4 Essential Strategies for Establishing a High-Performing Professional Development Committee

In a time of accelerating change, everyone who cares about advancing their career (or holding onto their job) knows they have to keep increasing...

Why the Great Resignation Is a Great Opportunity for Your Association

You’ve probably seen headlines about “The Great Resignation”—the wave of people quitting their jobs. A Prudential survey says 26% of employees plan...

How to Host a Rewarding Ideation Session for Members and Volunteer Leaders

On St. Patrick’s Day, a group of association professionals got together to come up with ideas for new virtual learning products for the International...

Volunteer SMEs: Your Association Can’t Live Without Them, So How Do You Live More Easily with Them?

One day, you love them. The next day, you want to wring some of their necks. Am I talking about chapter leaders? No, although they too fall into the...

How to Recruit & Engage Volunteers in a Time of Virtual Fatigue

Members are strapped for time and burnt out by virtual fatigue. The last thing they want is another online commitment, like regular committee or...

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