The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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SHRM Says: Employers Value Alternative Credentials—An Opportunity for Your Association

Associations are longtime issuers of ‘alternative’ credentials, but now everyone else is catching up thanks to a report released last month by the...

How to Improve Course Evaluations—and Measure a Course’s True Value

How often do you evaluate your evaluations? By revamping course evaluations to ask the right questions at the right time, you can gather what you...

How Much Value Do Keynote Speakers Bring to Your Conference?

Now that you’ve dealt with upheavals, pivots (argh!), and unending change, you’re in prime shape to reexamine your association’s sacred cows. You...

Cohort Programs Deliver a Social Learning Experience That Will Set Your Association Apart from the Competition

Online learning got a tremendous boost during the pandemic when virtual conferences and courses were the only option for education. But people who...

Become the Most Interesting Person in the Room: Your Association’s In-House Futurist

No one can predict the future, not even the nice fortune-teller you visit on the way to the beach. A world full of humans with freewill can upset...

Overcoming Goldfish Myths & the Challenges to Attention Spans

Let’s put this goldfish myth to bed once and for all. You’ve heard this one: our attention span is only eight seconds, less than the attention span...

Expand Your Market with Introductory Industry Education and Credentialing Programs

Most associations focus their education and credentialing programs on their primary market: the people working in the profession for which the...

What’s Working for the Top Fundraising Nonprofits in 2022

The ‘nonprofit’ descriptor bothers many in the association community because ‘profit’ is not a dirty word. Associations must earn a healthy profit if...

7 Ideas Worth Stealing from For-Profit Professional Development Brands

This week, we’re looking at news in the for-profit professional development market. Why? Some of these companies might be your competition—it’s...

How to Welcome & Help Career Changers Entering Your Association’s Industry

Job-hopping is in the air right now. Career-hopping too. After two years of the pandemic, no wonder we’re more reflective about how we want to spend...

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