The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Is Your Virtual Conference Engaging Enough to Prevent Multitasking?

After two years of living in pandemic mode, we look at time differently. Because many people rearranged their lives so they could spend more time on...

Learning Science Made Easy: Use Action Mapping to Help Learners Improve Job Performance

We’re big on differentiators. We’re always on the lookout for ideas to help you design and deliver educational programs that will stand out from your...

Compliance Training Programs Bring Triple Digit Revenue Growth to the Texas Restaurant Association

In the Great Reshuffle going on now, people are moving in and out of jobs and industries. Organizations are adapting to new business models and...

Learning Science Made Easy: Fast & Furious Instructional Design with SAM

It doesn’t take long for anyone working in professional development to hear about ADDIE and SAM. Who are these uppercase people? You quickly learn...

Keep the Conference Buzz Going with a Year-Round Learning Community

After two years of disruption, many of you have been rethinking events. Maybe in-person events don’t have to focus so heavily on content since their...

Learning Science Made Easy: Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

If you manage educational programs, a knowledge of learning science can help you understand how program design makes a difference in how learners...

Why People Aren’t Registering for Educational Programs—and What You Can Do About It

Work is constantly in the news these days with stories about The Great Resignation, returning to the office vs. staying remote, and short-staffed...

Learning Science Made Easy: Retrieval Practice

Let’s say you encounter a juicy, insightful paragraph while reading an article and think, “Wow, this is good. I need to remember this.” You slow down...

7 Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Work, Careers and Professional Development

“Making predictions is hard, not only because the future is hard to see, but also because the present is hard to grasp,” said Derek Thompson, staff...

10 Ways to Invest More Time in Your Personal and Professional Growth This Year

We’re close to entering the third year of the pandemic. Although we’re all getting used to living with uncertainty, it takes a toll. In times like...

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