The TopClass Blog

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Member Engagement Metrics, Trends, and Education Program Advice for Associations in 2024

What goals and concerns are your association peers prioritizing? How does your association’s performance across a range of member engagement metrics...

Tips for Significantly Enhancing Your Learner Surveys

The odds are good your learner surveys aren’t so good. A harsh pronouncement, but probably true, unless you’re already following the advice of Will...

What to Consider When Pricing Education Programs

Pricing education programs gives many of us the heebie-jeebies. Too high—you turn off prospective learners, perhaps forever. Too low—you leave money...

8 Education Program Marketing Principles to Revisit or Research

Association professionals must be competent in many areas—or domains, if you’re CAE-bound. Yes, you are modern Renaissance men and women. One of the...

A Scientific Approach to Education Programs Has a Positive Impact on Learners’ Job Performance & Career Advancement

Why do people invest their time and money in education programs? Because they want to enhance their career prospects by improving their resume and...

Shift from Transactions to Relationships with Learning Subscriptions

When a speaker’s topic gets the audience excited, the conversation in the chat box flows by too quickly to read. Jack Coursen, senior director of...

How to Build DEI into Your Association’s Educational Strategy

DEI is a business imperative that’s not going anywhere. But it calls for intentional, strategic thinking and action. You can’t just throw the jargon...

In an Employers’ Job Market, It’s Time for New Marketing Messages

Over the past year, the job market has changed. No longer a job hunters’ market, it now favors employers. Your association’s marketing messages must...

Attract Students, Young Professionals & Career Changers to Your Association with Early-Career Microcredentials

Lately I’ve been seeing lots of webinars and posts about strategies for attracting and engaging young members. Here’s a solution.

Capture the Loyalty of Young Professionals with Leadership Development Cohorts

A growing number of associations are now offering cohort programs, according to my unscientific Twitter searches. Leadership development cohorts are...

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