The TopClass Blog

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Amidst Uncertainty, Encourage Members to Adopt Flux Mindsets and Career Portfolios

Once upon a time, Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives; nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one...

10 In-Demand Skills Your Members Need to Learn Now

Since 2015, the skillsets required for jobs changed by 28% in the U.S. LinkedIn expects this figure to double by 2027. Another recent study says 37%...

7 Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Work, Careers and Professional Development

“Making predictions is hard, not only because the future is hard to see, but also because the present is hard to grasp,” said Derek Thompson, staff...

11 Predictions About the Future of Work & the Role of Associations

Eight months ago, when talking about the future of work, remote work might have been a trend to consider. How things have changed. Now, remote work...

10 Traits of an Innovation Mindset to Cultivate at Your Association

Associations can’t fulfill their missions without innovation. Innovation helps organizations create and improve processes, products, services, and...

Address Your Industry’s Skills Gap in So-Called “Soft” Human Skills

Let’s stop talking about “soft” vs. “hard” skills. “Soft” suggests skills that aren’t as important as other skills. But so-called soft skills are...

Learning Pathways: How to Fill Your Industry’s Skills Gap

If you ever hiked up a mountain without the help of a trail, you know how frustrating and, sometimes, dangerous it can be. You might head off along a...

Aging Members Will Stick Around (& Keep Learning) Longer Than You Think

Every day, 10,000 Americans turn 65. Many associations operate with the assumption that they’ll lose these aging members to retirement. But don’t...

Lifelong Learning in the Freelance Economy

Half the American workforce will be freelancers within a decade, according to the Freelancing in America survey released earlier this month. “The...

10 Future Work Skills to Teach Your Members

Is your association helping members develop the work skills they need for the future? Associations have traditionally offered education on the...

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