The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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15 Attention Hacks to Improve Online Attendee and Learner Engagement

Even when people pay for online education programs—and especially when they don’t—they still sometimes let themselves get distracted. These 16...

In an AI-Powered Market, a Human Touch Can Differentiate Your Association’s Education Programs

Building AI into your association’s practices is a careful balancing act. It makes sense to use AI to automate menial tasks and extend your...

How to Overcome Objections to the Open Space Event Format

This week, we conclude our look at the Open Space event format. This series was inspired by a discussion in the ASAE Collaborate forum, where Patrick...

The Advantages of Hosting an Open Space Event for Your Members & Industry

A fascinating conversation about the Open Space event format took place recently in the ASAE Collaborate forum. Patrick Jones, executive director and...

Using a Job Analysis to Design & Market Credentialing Programs

If your association offers (or plans to offer) a credentialing program, you know all about job analysis—or should know. Job analysis is the best way...

Get to Know, Practice & Implement a Product Development Cycle

Associations need a strategy and process for developing new educational products, services, and events, otherwise assumptions and biases enter the...

A Shadow Board Can Help Your Association Become More Relevant to Young Professionals

Despite the recruitment and retention efforts of associations, two-thirds (66%) of members are still Boomers and Gen X, a three-point increase over...

Learning Science Made Easy: Use Action Mapping to Help Learners Improve Job Performance

We’re big on differentiators. We’re always on the lookout for ideas to help you design and deliver educational programs that will stand out from your...

Learning Science Made Easy: Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

If you manage educational programs, a knowledge of learning science can help you understand how program design makes a difference in how learners...

Learning Science Made Easy: The Original, Revised & Rebuffed Bloom’s Taxonomy

If you spend enough time with educators, you’re bound to hear something about Bloom’s Taxonomy. But maybe you’re fuzzy on what it’s about. Something...

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