The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

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Sell Your Industry to Job Seekers with Content Marketing Inspired by Wrexham AFC and Formula 1

Many employers are still having trouble finding talented professionals to fill empty positions. Associations worry about attracting young people and...

Hybrid Online Courses: The Secret Formula for Enhancing the Learner Experience & Increasing Revenue

When online learners experience the benefits of both synchronous and asynchronous instruction, your association is rewarded with increased customer...

Tips for Hiring Lifelong Learners for Association Positions

In a competitive talent marketplace, jobseekers can be pickier about where they want to work. But you have to be pickier too. Think about your...

How to Prevent & Eliminate Content Clutter in Your Online Learning Catalog

Imagine walking into an antique shop looking for a specific item. There’s so much to wade through, but you’re short on time. Pricy antiques are mixed...

Why We Use Business Jargon & Why We Should Stop—and Think About the Words We Use

When I hear “at the end of the day,” my blood pressure rises. I can never not hear it. Even when I’m not paying attention to someone on TV, if they...

What Your Learners Are Really Buying

Seth Godin has a way of crystallizing the complexity of human behavior in one or two pithy sentences. This pronouncement of his got me thinking about...

A Strategy Canvas Helps You Plan and Manage Learning Projects

It’s natural to feel frazzled when you’re in charge of a project that’s way out of your comfort zone and above your pay grade. It sure would be nice...

7 Ways a New LMS Benefits the Oklahoma State Medical Association’s Continuing Medical Education Program

The inevitable came a lot sooner than the Oklahoma State Medical Association (OSMA) anticipated—which was the case for many associations during the...

Get to Know, Practice & Implement a Product Development Cycle

Associations need a strategy and process for developing new educational products, services, and events, otherwise assumptions and biases enter the...

Online Learning Tips for You & Your Members to Take Back to School

As fall approaches, you or your members might head back to school, perhaps taking an online class for the first time. We won’t sugarcoat it:...

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